6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

TOPIC : How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

Hello Freelancers,

  In this article I'm gonna share with you that how to create transcription gig on fiverr.  so for knowing that how you can create your SEO friendly gig on fiverr. Make sure you consume full article. So get set go to know that How to create transcription gig on fiverr. 

        Creating a gig on fiverr is easy but to rank that particular gig is not as easy as we think. So Before Creating the transcription gig of fiverr we have to keep some SEO factors so that we can optimize our gig as much as possible.

6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

Table of Contents

1. Why Gig Optimization is so Important
2. How to Create Transcription Gig on Fiverr
3. 6 Steps - How to create transcription gig on Fiverr
        Step-1#  SEO Friendly Gig Title
        Step-2#  Gig Pricing
        Step-3#  Gig Description
        Step-4#  Add FAQs
        Step-5#  Add Image & Video
        Step-6#  Publish
4. How to create gig on fiverr video tutorial

Why Gig Optimization is so Important?

Look while creating your gig if you don't optimize as per the need. then you will not be able to rank that on Fiverr first to fifth Page. Hence you will not get impressions on your gig. And the client will not be able to see your gig and eventually you will not get any order on your Service.

     So Gig optimization is as important as creating the gig. So if you want to know that how to optimize gig on fiverr and How to optimize fiverr gig effectively. you can refer to this article :

How to create transcription gig on fiverr 

There are certain steps for creating the transcription gig you need to follow. let's see this step by step by briefing down about all the thing you need to know while creating the transcription gig. you have to be attentive while following these steps by yours. so get set go!

SEO friendly Gig Title

6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

The first most important of your service gig is to create an SEO friendly Title. this plays an important role in ranking your gig on fiverr's first page on different different keywords. 

      So for that you will need the low competition keywords where you can rank your gig easily. if you don't know that how to find low competition keywords for the fiverr gig. and How to do keyword research in fiverr. Then you can just refer to this article where you will get all the things you needed to know about keyword research.

Gig Pricing

The second thing you need to know about is PRICING of your transcription gig. Before setting the price randomly will brought to you in high loss. So if you don't want to wait for long time for getting the first order on that gig Price plays an important role.

            So for Setting the price you have to analyze the market. you have to look at your collogues that how much they are charging at the same service. After analyzing the market price you have to set that as minimum as you can do. 

            Don't think that you will loose at that price. Keep in mind that the minimum price will be only for your first 3 to 5 orders. when you complete your 5 orders on that transcription gig. Your gig will be on the top on fiverr by default. then you can charge the price as it needed.

PRO TIP : Start with only 5$ for the first 3 orders. and Grow your network with the clients. THEN CHARGE MORE! and Start with UNLIMITED REVISIONS

Gig Description

6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

The third Most important factor that helps in getting attention of Client and in Gig Ranking is the GIG DESCRIPTION. In Gig Description you specifies that what you'll offer with the help of your gig. You'll specify the key points which will attract the client. 

            You have to optimize the Gig description by putting the Relative keywords and make sure you write it in your own way no copy pasting at all. Write creative things as you can so that it will be relatable to the client. There will be high chance of getting orders if you optimize your gig description regarding to the need.

If you don't know that how to optimize Gig Description on Fiverr OR how to write gig description then refer to the below article.

Add FAQs 

6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

this is an optional part of the gig. If there's any need of adding FAQs then you can just add. In this you'll be answering the most common question would be asked to you. So you just provide the answer already with the help of this section. This is an effective option as well.

Add Image & Video

6 Steps - How to create transcription Gig on Fiverr (2022) - Best Hack | Create Gig on Fiverr

The Most Most Most important thing till now is adding Graphics, Image, video to your gig. That will definitely attract your client to click on the gig while scrolling. So you have to create as simple as effective image for your Gig.

if you can add your own video describing about your service that will be a most effective way to get your orders. So if you can make video then make it!

       You can use canva for creating the Fiverr Gig Image. The size will be 750x350 and you can just create by yourself with the help of canva.

If you don't know what is canva, How to use it. Refer to the article given below.


Once you done all the things specified below, You are ready to go!. Just click on Publish Button. And Boom! your gig is live. Now you have to wait for 3-4 days for ranking of your Transcription gig. You will be able to see the results soon!

How to create gig on fiverr video tutorial

So that was it for this. I hope you enjoyed this and learnt something from this. Drop a message "Informative" for my acknowledgement that This article helped you! 


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